Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Bedding Ensemble

I'm planning on redecorating my bedroom thanks to Pinterest.  I shouldn't say redecorated because we've been in our new house for 5 years now and it's the one room that's never been decorated.  So, I got a little inspiration when I saw this Barbara Barry beauty on Pinterest.

I loved the Barbara Barry duvet but didn't care for the matching blue cover.  It was too shiny in person.  So I found a silk channel quilt at Pottery Barn that I liked so much better.  I later stumbled across Centsational Girl's blog and loved how she incorporated these Z. Gallerie "Kenya" pillows.

Barbara Barry duvet
My bedding ensemble is complete but there's still so much to do...need curtains, new paint color and maybe even a new headboard.  More to come later...

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