Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Very First Post

Wow!  It's official, I'm a blogger.  I've heard of blogs for a while and read a few here and there but I really "discovered" them about eight months ago when a co-worker introduced me to her college friend's design blog.  I was blown away.  All of the beautiful photos mesmorized me and I fell in love with all of the stories on the blog.  I immediately thought to myself, "I can do that!".  But then I rethought that as I started following more and more blogs.  I wasn't sure if I had enough to talk about and I was really unsure of opening myself up to the world.  Photography was also an issue because I didn't have a good camera.  Well, I got a new camera a few months ago for my birthday and I'm at a point in my life where I'm ready to take a risk and to give it a shot.  The worst case scenario will be...only my parents will follow my blog.  If that's the case, so be it.  I'm ready to take a leap of faith.

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